
A Smoother Ride Is Only The Beginning

Take a sea trial on a World Cat catamaran and you’ll understand just how smooth, just how exhilarating, and just how much fun boating can be. But, a smoother ride is only one of the many advantages a power catamaran offers over a monohull. In fact, a World Cat offers you…

400DC-X running on crystal clear water

Before You Buy Your Next Boat, Think Twice.
You’ll Discover That Two Hulls Are Better Than One.

Compared to a monohull, a World Cat brings you greater stability and a smoother ride in virtually any type of sea.

Chances are, you own – or owned – a monohull boat. And that means you’ve endured pounding, slamming, and slapping. Monohull manufacturers employ deep V designs to try to lessen the abuse, but the result is often just more rocking and rolling whenever you stop or troll your boat. But a World Cat power catamaran offers you a better boating experience without all the exhausting physical abuse.

Why is a World Cat power catamaran superior to a monohull?

Smoothness. Stability. Speed.
World Cat Hulls Are Designed To Deliver All Of Them.

When it comes to choosing the ideal boat, World Cat gives you more and better choices. It all begins with the two key hull designs that we offer. While each design shares the same major advantages of a power catamaran – a smoother ride, better stability, and shallower draft – our different hull choices can help you “fine tune” a better boating experience.

Graphic image of a Planing Hull

Planing Hull

(used in all World Cat boats) – if you’re looking for speed, you’ll find it with this design. By employing a flatter V-bottom surface, you get on plane quicker for maximum speed. This design delivers racecar like performance. And, while traditional monohull boats slam you hard when coming down, this action is greatly reduced in a World Cat power catamaran. Which means less abuse and more control for you.

Graphic of a Semi-Displacement Hull

Semi-Displacement Hull

(used in our Glacier Bay Edition boats) – this design offers a softer ride, and has unique handling characteristics, which its thousands of satisfied owners swear by. Its unique design provides outstanding seakeeping and a soft ride by keeping larger sections of the hull in the water for maximum stability while underway. Its balance of hull buoyancy and dynamic lift reduces drag and increases efficiency.

World Cat Intelligent Hull Design –
The Science Behind The Smoother Ride.

World Cat boats deliver a smoother, softer, faster and drier catamaran ride in even the roughest, toughest conditions. The secret – and science – behind this better boating experience is intelligent engineering – which incorporates our VectorFlo® hull design.

This unique hull innovation combines air and water at the scoop-shaped bow and channels the mixture into the tunnel between the twin hulls. As part of the design, a Vector Pod, forward in the hull, helps to break up incoming water, creating aeration and reducing friction. As the mixture passes through the narrowing tunnel channel, it increases velocity, while decreasing forward pressure and drawing the aerated water and spray aft through the tunnel.

The result?

  • The rapidly moving aerated mixture forms a water-cushioned suspension between the hulls and beneath the boat’s tunnel
  • You get a softer ride, improved stability, and enhanced fuel efficiency
  • Because the aeration increases in rough seas, the cushioning effect becomes more evident the worse conditions get

So, you get a better boating experience in all kinds of seas. But, don’t take our word for it, take a sea trial and experience the VectorFlo® advantage yourself.

How We Build The Perfect Hull.

The process of designing a catamaran hull is equal parts physics, experience and technology, and as it is a significant investment in time and resources, it needs to be done extremely well. Here we describe what goes into World Cat’s ‘secret ingredient’ – the hull:

At World Cat, we believe we have the industry’s best-performing hulls. But as we design new hulls, we continue to strive to seek out new shapes and materials to further improve the catamaran experience.

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